“For the shy child, piano is self-expression.
For the awkward child, it’s coordination.
For the uncertain child, it’s poise and confidence.
For the child who gives up easily, it’s perseverance.
For the inattentive child, it’s concentration.
For the impulsive child, it’s a way to channel their energy into a rewarding accomplishment.
For all children, piano is one of the greatest forms of self-improvement.”
As we embark on 2022, I want to encourage you that there is great purpose in your calling. Music lessons offer many life skills that will help our students become successful in life. I firmly believe that music lessons help children to grow into adults who contribute to society and help our world to be a better place. What a privilege we have as teachers to make a difference in the world!
Lori Weidemann
DVMTA President 2020-2022
Read the full January 2022 Newsletter