I even get to see examples of creativity in my own, very urban backyard! Recently, as I sat in a lounge chair reading a book, a grackle flew down to my dog’s water bowl. He started dunking something in the water over and over. As I watched, I realized he had gotten a piece of dog food from a neighbor’s house that leaves food outside for his dog. After dunking the kibble several more times, he proceeded to eat it within about 8 feet of me. He left a few crumbs that my own dog licked up once the grackle flew away. Although this bird’s creativity was not inspired by the COVID-19 outbreak, it reminded me of how people have found creative ways to deal with the sudden lack of supplies and amenities we have taken for granted for so long.
Of course, musicians are really putting their talents and creativity to good use now as well. Have you seen the band teacher who performed every single instrument part of a piece and compiled the performances into a one-man band? Or the New York music teacher who sang multiple parts (with costumes and all) of a CoVid-19 parody on “One More Day” from “Les Mis”? I think at times like this it is important to concentrate on what we CAN do rather than what we CAN’T do. That was the thought behind reinventing Achievement Day for this year! There is really no end to what we can accomplish for our students if we allow our creative juices to flow!
Carolyn Rooder
DVMTA President 2018-2020
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