Members and guests gathered for our annual August Brunch to visit, and to prepare for the events of the upcoming DVMTA year. The theme for this year is "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean!" DVMTA President Carolyn Rooder encouraged members to take advantage of the support and opportunities DVMTA gives to teachers and students. We're looking forward to a great year! Special thanks to Amy King, Penny Carpenter and the August Brunch Committee for the fabulous food and fun!
Committees and Event Chairs presented information detailing our wonderful events and meetings for the year:
DVMTA 2018-19 Board
President: Carolyn Rooder
Vice-President: Hollie Lunt
Secretary: Kelli Riding
Treasurer: Joni Walker
August Brunch/April Brunch: Amy King
Music Marathon: Dana Rodgers
Original Composition: Toni Tetreau
December Luncheon: Nancy McGuire
Cavalcade: Jenna Hartley, Linda Carpenter
Awards in Excellence: Lorri McHardy
April Brunch: Corinne Walker
Achievement Day: Buffie Meeker
Awards Plus: Carolyn Eldredge
Membership: Tammy Shorts
Hospitality: Karen Cox
Social Media/Community Relations: Claire Westlake
Parliamentarian/Technology: Shannon Payne