That’s a bit how I’ve felt these last couple of years as President of DVMTA – I’m doing it, and I don’t even know how to!! I can say that there have been SO many members running right alongside me, ready to catch me when I start to wobble, and giving me encouragement along the way. I could not be more grateful for the wonderful teacher friends who have been on this journey with me. It’s been exhilarating, alright! I said yes to the nomination just weeks before COVID lockdown started, and then stepped into a situation I could never have imagined. Who would have known we would be so resilient, would embrace the challenge to continue providing outlets for our students to thrive, and would be a community willing to share ideas and help one another navigate the new territory? I have gained SO MUCH by stepping up and just being willing, having no idea if I even had what it takes. Let me assure you that DVMTA is an organization that allows you to learn, and grow, and try new things, and there are people who have your back around every bend. I want to encourage you to say YES to stepping into a leadership role this next term, because you will be all the better for it, and you’ll realize you can do things you never even knew how to!
Lori Weidemann
DVMTA President 2020-2022
Read the full April 2022 Newsletter